
Monday, September 16, 2013

10a Alabama Fair in July

Here are some photos from the 10a Alabama Fair last July. We had so much fun meeting new crafter friends and seeing old ones :)

10a Alabama Fair
our booth!
10a Alabama Fair
with two of the funniest and craftiest ladies, Mikko and Macy
10a Alabama Fair
hello Abbey! :)
 Things I bought from fellow sellers:

1. Bags by Rubbertree organizer

10a Alabama

2. Monsterella polka bag

10a Alabama

3. Cordillera Coffee's Benguet coffee

10a Alabama Fair

Other handmade goodies from the fair:

10a Alabama Fair
baby headbands by Saab and Meelo
10a Alabama
totes by Tutu Girls
10a Alabama Fair
wooden pins and magnets by Sitting Pretty
10a Alabama Fair
paintings by Denver Garza
10a Alabama
framed cement imprints by Resurrection Furniture and Found Objects Gallery
10a Alabama
23060 notebooks
10a Alabama
plush pins by Gawa ni Femi
10a Alabama
with sir Kidlat! :)

10a Alabama

The next 10a Alabama Fair is in November. If you want to participate as a seller, make sure you start making your products now and take photos of them so when the organizers call for applications some time in October, you're ready! :)

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